Three Dragon Eggs

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Three Dragon Eggs facilitates healing with those ready to shed their past and redesign their reality. 

We hold a vision that Earth is home to love, peace, transparency and abundance for all who share it. We believe this is possible in our lifetime.

When we are healed, we are aligned and we are powerful. When we are healed, we are an incorruptible expression of Universal Law.


2024: Practice

Our new practice focuses on learning to navigate reality with spiritual discernment and nurturing our relationship with Source. The Collective Consciousness, scientific activity and spiritually prophesied text would all suggest that we are responsible for our soul and the paths we pave throughout reality. As humans we have the honour of discovering just how much power we have over our existence and this is what we intend to assist you with now. For what good is the ability to clear ourselves of the past, if we do not seek and act in accordance with the divine for our present moment and for our future?

We are striving to exist in congruence with the divine by nurturing a stronger connection to True Source/ God/ The Universe/ whichever you prefer to call it, for ourselves and our clients.

With love,
details of some changes are below


In the Spirit of growth and acknowledgement of our global situation we have made adjustments to our services and their contributions.


New Contributions
For Private Sessions

  • 30 min Session: $90

  • 60 min Session: $177

  • 90 min Session: $220

Referral Offering

Refer a friend to a Private Session for a complimentary 2 weeks of our Remote Essentials Clearings! Just make sure to include your names to receive.


A 6 week/ fortnight course consisting of a 60min session every week or fortnight to focus on your situation and goals.

What your program could look like:

  • Exploring circumstances, decision making and their correlated vibrational timeline. Ultimately working toward aligning your life and being with Prime Creator. 

  • Discerning the vibratory differences between good/ evil, service to self/ service to others and 3D/4D/5D+. More importantly how these differences exist in our day to day lives, may be entangled/ interfering with our desires and could even be reflected in the people surrounding us.

  • The paradox of how a service-to-others virtue implement can enrich and improve the quality of our own lives.

  • A new found confidence and understanding of true love for self.

  • Moving away from previous self, through current events and toward goals for the highest good of you and your world! 

Sign up to receive an additional $33 reduction, at $144 per session or a total of $864.




Seeking Interest:

An online community.
All welcome.


Facilitating a trustworthy community to share struggles, successes and the synchronicity of our lives. Keeping current events chatter to a minimum and instead encouraging more spiritual and spirit-science engagement, support and discipline.



  • A space offered to healers, teachers or students to share their ideas with an audience in online workshops or more casual meetings.

  • A place where you can go to seek or to offer energetic or emotional support without judgement or condition.

  • (TBD) A members area of which all personal RIFE sets will be offered, subscription bundles + more

Share your interest or ideas HERE and we’ll be in touch! Thank you <3