What can I say, Peppi is the best! I have had regular clearings over many years now. I used to see various healers/ kinesiologists/ naturopaths/ psychics, trying to find some clarity and peace, and it was a slow and sometimes disappointing experience. Then a friend recommended Peppi and she nailed issues, cleared them, and cleared about 10 other layers that were holding me down too with each session. I began to feel lighter and less emotional each time. Physical and/ or emotional pain would disappear over the following days after a session, and it was easy. I didn’t have to travel, it was all done on Skype, which made my life so much easier. Then she started the fortnightly clearings and I can honestly say the leaps and jumps I have made emotionally and spiritually have been so exciting and ENJOYABLE. I truly know what it is to feel joy, to have less talk roaming around in my head, to feel lighter and more magical. I can wholeheartedly recommend Peppi (and Ruby) for any emotional, physical or spiritual problem or issue you may have. I know I wouldn’t be the person I am today without her insight, healing ability and loving generosity.
— Katrina M

What a life changing healing session it is with Peppi. Results felt instantly! Peppi takes you to areas in your present and past life that can’t be imagined. There really isn’t one direct way to describe what it is like to have a healing with her. - If I get sick, I call on her- If I’m going through an unusually stressful time, I call on her- If there’s an emergency I call on her- If I’m in a rut or feeling down I call on herPeppi would be the most powerful healer I have ever experienced. She has healing gifts that I’ve never experienced before with other healers. She is very present through out the whole session and has a deep caring beautiful supportive nature as she works through all the areas that need clearing, cleansing and removing.I highly recommend a session with Peppi and her magic ability to heal and restore you back to happiness and good health.I often feel very blessed that I have Peppi in my life.I have three grown children, their partners and two grandchildren and two more on the way. They all have had sessions with Peppi. Along with many dear friends I have recommended Peppi to. They also rave about her and what she has done for them. So many wonderful changes for us all, it has been truly a gift having her in all of our lives, to support us when needed.

If Peppi could be bottled and sold on, the world would be a much better place.Bless you Peppi for being here and helping us at times of need in our journeys. You are a very special, rare soul and many are very thankful you are in our lives. Live in love,
— Tiana T

Peppi is not your “everyday vibrational/spiritual healer.”  I have called upon Peppi at some very poignant health crises in my life to date helping me wherever and whenever she can. She is a very unique, compassionate, trustworthy, grounded spiritual healer who is gifted and talented in pinpointing and clearing the different layers/patterns and lifetimes of “stuff” we carry through each birth we take in these bodies (or vehicles I like to call them).Although I have never met Peppi in person, (but we have had many skype/phone sessions) I know I can rely on her to be there to help me whenever I need and for that I am truly grateful and have deep respect for her.  On offer now are the two weekly clearings that are a great way to keep yourself in check which I also find helpful, not only for myself but for family members too.Namaste Peppi, thank you for all your help over the years, from my heart to yours...... Kim x
— Kim D

I am in regular and repeated awe and appreciation of Peppi’s amazing arsenal of skills, talents, and her freakish perceptual powers and abilities! At least a few times when I have been under major stress and even a dire financial calamity, a session with Peppi has somehow inconceivably saved the day for me. One time, Peppi ‘reached’ into the ‘world’ of some troublesome parties so that my fiscal experience was changed for the WAY better, that week! So, Peppi has earned my awe and real appreciation many times over and is worth many times the contributions I have made to her! Peppi gives HUGE return on investment (measurably) every session! Thanks Peppi <3
— Dennis C - www.ormas-alchemy.com

My first session was very insightful, a surprisingly enjoyable experience that brought me a sense of closure and relief afterwards. This session confirmed that I’m on track with the goals I’m pursuing in all fields. I feel more clarity now with some blockages removed, but also helped me to accept my personal strengths and weaknesses that are hard wired into my personality. I feel more courage to tackle the challenges ahead of me now, Thanks so much guys, highly recommended!
— Jimmy D

Hi my name is Vallise and I’m writing my first testimonial ever.! I had the good fortune to meet Peppi in Byron Bay. We heard a buss in the bay of someone coming to town that did this potent clearing work. First session, speechless, so much went on. 2nd session blue me away, & the evidence of it clearly demonstrated to me & my partner hours afterwards, is an Amazing story unto itself.  She has continued to produce great change in our lives, by moving all that dross. She is gorgeous, dedicated and courageous!I know several men that stopped alcohol addictions too and boy did that change their world & mine!She has cleared enough with me to affect physical changes, that impressed my Dr.! She has given me a better quality of health.Highly recommend you kick your ass & have a session! Only got shit to loose!!
— Vallise

Peppi helped me during one of the toughest times of my life, after a relationship that was falling apart to getting us back on track.. she helped me control and ground myself when I felt anger and hate towards the one person I wanted to be with.. Peppi helped with the patch up of the relationship and with her help we have come out the other end and are now a family of 3 and soon to be 4.. Peppi is the person my partner and I both go to for any sickness with our child and sicknesses or anxiety my partner has experienced through the pregnancy’s.. not only does Peppi focus on my partner she always includes the family throughout the session..Being the son who’s mother has always used healings I do believe they make a change when you having major things going on in your life.. I would recommend Peppi’s help with any relationship or family issues and sickness that I can see other people experiencing in their life.
— Theo

This is what I’d love to say about Peppi, Peppi has helped me tremendously in regard to helping me resolve an issue with my life that I couldn’t find the answer to any where else. My health was impacted, my organs were impacted, my energy levels were really low and we found this was a result of a person draining my energy. Peppi has helped to clear this person from my energetic field, from my life. We came to answers of how to get rid of that and since having these appointments with Peppi, my energy came back in rushes. The. Next. Day. After I left, I felt amazing and different and re organised like my whole energetic system was changed. The next day, rushes of energy came flooding back. So much so, that my partner felt like I had a bipolar high. But I didn’t it was just all my energy coming back. Peppi is life changing, she has abilities that I’ve never seen in any other practitioner. She can help in all aspects of life, that people that haven’t already thought about. Things that they wouldn’t know existed. Even if they know how to help themselves, they wouldn’t necessarily think of these things that may be holding them back. Such as elementals could be playing cheeky tricks. You know, things that you wouldn’t think of. I highly recommend Peppi as not only a healer, an entity remover, a next level practitioner in so many ways, I would recommend her to people who are having situations that are either ongoing situations or just acute situations. Somethings that’s happened, something that drained you, something that’s shocked you, you don’t know where its coming from. Also, chronic situations where things have been going on for years and you just don’t know. You’ve been everywhere else, but you don’t know who to turn to.

Also, in a sense of house clearing, personal clearing entity removals, she is incredible at that. She has no fear. She goes in full wholeheartedly and really cares about people, and really wants to help. She does it so well. She walks in those worlds and has had her own experiences in those worlds. She knows exactly how to help people shift and clear those things from their lives. I recommend Peppi to almost all my friends who were in situations like this, who are open to it.

The hardest part is knowing how to describe Peppi (haha) and what she does. But I do a pretty good job. Thank you Peppi, you have changed my world. I feel so much clearer, so much happier. I feel so much more myself in terms of what she’s done for me, so thank you Peppi, I can’t thank you enough. You are a super hero… ha-ha you are!  
— written voice message: Saffron T - magicmixes.com.au

Peppi’s magic powers have not only helped me through the darkest time of my life, she helped my relationship issues with my partner and now she is helping me with my children.

Being someone who never knew anything about or believed much in healing until I was introduced to Peppi, I now know and understand why she was recommended to me.

Peppi is someone I run to when I need help… whether it be relationship issues, sickness, stress, anxiety, pregnancy or just an overall pick me up she is someone I go to. Peppi’s magic works right then and there and I always feel 100 times better and can feel my body resetting back to where it needs to be.

I highly recommend her work for any need or worries that people have.My little one can’t speak for herself but after a session with Peppi I have noticed the changes and I’m sure she does too. Love, Stina
— Kristina

Having a session with Peppi is like going home for a couple of hours. It’s like having a direct access to all parts of myself in the past present and future, that sometimes I forget about. Whenever I feel a bit lost or if I’m struggling with a problem that I can’t work out myself – Peppi is my go-to-girl. I often have aha moments where subtle and not so subtle things make total sense! I love Peppi’s compassionate, no BS intuitive nature and I genuinely believe she has a unique gift and walks a path that can help so many of us in these challenging times. She helps me awaken to my authentic self. Being a highly sensitive person, I must work hard at ‘defragging’ and staying grounded. Just to get through each week comfortably! Peppi has taught me many tools and easy ways to do this.My favourite part of a session is actually at the end. Once we have already worked out what’s behind my issues (this is important for me to truly move forward) and cleared limiting beliefs that have been holding me back, including any residual stress. It’s the part where I say goodbye to Peppi, close my computer down and check in with my body. All of a sudden, I feel energetically lighter and sparkly clean. Clear thinking in my mind and happy in my soul. Peppi you have helped me more than you will ever know. And I thank you for being brace enough to follow your path and help sensitive souls like me!
— Kirsten R - Mind Body Medicine & Kinesiology www.wisdominwellness.com.au

Hi Peppi, Thank you SO INCREDIBLY MUCHIt completely and radically shifted what was happening for me and I have had amazing shifts and changes.Thank you for everything. It was also such a deal for me to ask for what I needed and receive that without guilt or shame and I’m so grateful for your support Peppi.Sending you so much appreciation and love. I will definitely be sending you some referrals Hugs, Georgie
— Georgie - Text Message

I first contacted Peppi as I was feeling quite scattered and unable to focus, as well as a couple of physical symptoms, that were affecting many areas of my life. Firstly, menopause and the overwhelming wave of frustration that came with the hot flushes and secondly, extreme allergies and hay fever, that I had never experienced before. Being generally healthy the majority of my life, this was very new to me and not something I wanted to continue to live with, as it was having such an impact on me. Peppi  has the ability to bypass the surface issues (the symptoms), dig deep quickly and effectively to the origin of the issue and facilitate long lasting healing on many levels. Peppi is professional, straight to the point, and highly effective in what she does. I would definitely recommend her if you would like to heal: physically, mentally and/or spiritually, with a beautiful, easy and non-invasive method and at the same time being, highly effective.
— Debbie C

I have been a client and student of Peppi for almost four years. The service and the work that she shares is phenomenal. She does so with such pure intent and courage. Since working with Peppi I have become more of myself, the gifts that I carry have been activated and I feel more grounded and aligned. I highly recommend Peppis’ work and feel that it is our responsibility to ensure that we are either existing or working towards existing in our pure potentiality, not only for ourselves but for the planet. This work is so valuable.
— Bronwyn G - www.garlandofhope.com

Peppi! I just want to express a big thank you! My womb feels lighter and my right eye is healed! When I look in the mirror it looks relaxed, I don’t need to blink so much anymore, it’s no longer straining. I feel more comfortable looking people in the eyes.

Thank you so much, you have helped me regain my life. I feel more confident and less self conscious. This means so much to me. It’s opened me up. I truly appreciate your work…

…You have have given me a new lease in life. I saw several eye specialists and they couldn’t find anything wrong. I was losing hope and I knew it was energetic. You have expanded my mind on all the possibilities on healing.
— Christine

:) I saw ur message and thought oh I forgot. I was just having a shower when out of the blue the thought “I can earn as much money as I like” wafted in. Suddenly all my senses were at attention. What? It’s not like I haven’t thought about it before. This time was different. My whole body seemed to shift its shape. I felt more financially confident than I have….ever. I feel relieved. And happy. How amazing is that? Shivers up my spine. Lets see what happens now. What an awesome result for me today. Thank you so much.
— Jasmina: Text message post Consciousness Clearings

I had a WhatsApp appointment with Peppi after she was recommended by a friend of mine at a moment in time, I felt stuck. I was initially curious but at the same time suspicious of her authenticity. My fears dissolved very quickly when we started our session. It was an amazing and life changing experience both because of the energetic work she did as well as the little nuggets of gold she gave me in relation to managing my energy and intuition better. Since the private session I have also participated in her fortnightly clearings and after on they always invite beautiful magic into my life. Taking care of your energetic body is not widely practiced in this part of the world and the practitioners are often met with disbelief but Peppi is definitely doing amazing work for the benefit of the highest good. Thank you so much for stepping into this field and thank you for your contribution.
— Mariliis

I initially contacted Peppi for a consultation for my then 10-year-old son who was having issues with pain in his stomach which had been happening periodically for several years. During the session with Peppi and my son, Peppi also noticed and cleared several issues relating to me. After this session it was literally like a curtain was lifted and light came shining back into my life after a decade in the dark. I have been having regular clearings and sessions with Peppi since then and the changes in how I feel about all the parts of my life have dramatically improved.
— Lissa

I’m more balanced and grounded. I feel lighter, and I can now manage to temper my emotions. More joyous times, less fear in my heart, less worry about being present. I don’t think I could have done it without Peppi and Ruby’s help. When I first started getting their help, I was so drained! I barely made it to the next clearing (one fortnight). I needed that ‘life pack’ so desperately. I definitely felt the shifting of energies. Bad vibes turning into positive ones. I really feel the money is a small token for the positive effect Peppi and Ruby had on my life. Peppi and Ruby are lifesavers. I met Peppi and Ruby through a friend. I have been receiving the fortnightly clearings from them and I’m very (extremely) happy with the results. I feel happy, relaxed. I can actually sit in a park and truly relax with-out any nagging or negative thoughts. Thanks to them I’m lighter, more grounded, balanced. I feel lighter tempered. My emotions I have more joy, less fear in my heart. I couldn’t have done it without their help and guidance. I’m so happy that I was lucky enough to receive their beautiful healing energies. I’m so grateful. When we started, I was so drained, my energy was so low, and I barely made it to the next clearing. Also helped me with my ascension when I had to work through dense energies, I really needed their help. I’m so thankful for them.
— Dorothy A

Hey Peppi, how are you? I hope you doing very well… I want you to know that it was a pleasure meeting you. All of this was very new for me and I can say now that you helped me a LOT. To be honest, after what we did (think it was Friday), for the rest 3-4 days I was feeling pretty badly...One day was 100% bad, 2nd day was 80% bad, 3rd day was 40% bad and 4th day was feeling completely good. All this I think it was because everything negative I had inside me, was totally gone...Today I feel 1000% good. I thank God every day that I met you that day. I discuss it a lot with my cousin Phillip and his brothers, my other cousins and their wife’s. Again thank you from the bottom of my heart, and I wish you were living here in Melbourne so I could see you and chat more often about things in general. I am very interested one day to know more about the method you using ..It was blow mind. Anyways  have a lovely night and sorry if I interrupted you from something else now. Kisses honey, thanks.
— Dimitris - Text message

A session with Peppi and Ruby is akin to a therapeutic warm hug. Peppi and her daughter Ruby hold a beautiful healing energy, and intuit brilliantly to the heart of the matter. They articulate and work with you in an easeful and effortless way. Words cannot describe the transformative influence since our first session. As a counselor and therapist myself, I have had no hesitation in referring my patients to Ruby and Peppi, and have reported outstanding results. Peppi and Ruby work with clients on all levels, spiritual, emotional, physical and etherical.
— Honor

I highly recommend Peppi as a wonderful and very qualified energy practitioner and having regular energy clearings done. As human beings in these busy and crazy times, life can start to become stressful and overwhelming. I personally feel so much clearer, much more grounded and stronger after my energy clearings. I have witnessed instant change on my son also who is on the autism spectrum after a remote clearing. I will continue to use the services of Peppi and Ruby as an important part of my holistic health care.
— Irene K