
  • Touch for Health (basics for Kinesiology)

  • Padmacahaya Reiki Tummo Levels 1 & 2

  • Padmacahaya Open Heart Meditation 1 & 2

  • Diploma in Hypnotherapy

  • International Dermal Institute - Ayurvedic Diagnosis & Chinese Acupressure

  • Xuan Kong System of Feng Shui

  • International Institute of Applied Physiology – Muscle Monitoring and Attitude with Essence Workshop

  • Access Consciousness the Bars

  • TESOL Teaching English as a secondary language.

  • Family Homeopathies

Studies and Involvements that contributed to her practice:

  • Founding Council Member of Fix The World Organisation

  • Eckankar (Ages 18-23)

  • The Awakening Workshop with Dr. David Martin

  • Swedish Massage Diploma

  • Beauty Therapy (lymphatic drainage)


Peppi has been on a spiritual-development crusade, consciously, since her teens. Having been dedicated to her path of healing for some time, she wondered whether the techniques she’d studied were narrowing the possible efficiency and vastness of healing as a whole, thereby limiting her fullest potential.

In 2014, she began harnessing and nurturing her own original energetic practices. During this time she was pushed to her limits and at times, brought her to her knees. She was not exempt from this practice of energetic management, nor from the resistance she endured because of it.

She was opened to parts of herself that she had previously been unwilling to acknowledge and had to address residual traits from a third-dimensional existence. It’s not an option to carry the energy of negative experiences into a field of guidance and healing, where neutrality is crucial.

With vast experience in energetic phenomenon, trial and error and brutal honesty, she’s well-versed in how to manage energies, how energy it interacts with us and forms our reality.

Peppi now endeavours, with an unceasing focus, to assist in restoring human beings to their authentic sense of astonishing self, through direct healings, teaching her practice and sharing her wisdom.