Remote Healing & Energetic Protection

Remote Services are offered when you cannot attend an appointment or have an issue that you feel can be resolved without your engagement.


All inquiries receive customised contribution requests. Guidelines for contributions are below.


Reading & Clearing

$75.00 - $125.00

Perfect for both casual queries and unearthly incidents. A remote clearing accommodates your needs in the allotted time.

Note: You will be notified if your inquiry requires your engagement in a Private Session. The option to continue with your original remote request will remain open.

The notes of a remote reading are available at request.



$100.00 - $500.00

Space clearing, enhancing and protection for any positive intention events such as:

Ceremonies, parties, wedding and celebrations. Funerals/ Passings. Documents and Official Filings. Financial and Medical appointments. Seminars and Retreats. Other.


Land & Home

Custom: $100.00 - $200.00
Comprehensive: Starts at $300.00+

This is a beneficial service to your community, as shift in energy ripples outwards.

Useful in the following circumstances.

  • Ease and abundance in selling, buying or leasing property.

  • Your current residence or public accomodation.

  • Gauging congruency between you and your home. E.g. How beneficial for health, wealth, relationships etc.

  • Prior, during or after a negative event - Depending on size of event, this could fall into the remote service category.

  1. Custom

    Query or specified issue regarding your environment.

  2. Comprehensive

    All detected negative, foreign or disagreeable energies from the home and land. Consisting of:

  • Imprints from all men and women who’ve entered, or been involved with the home or land. Also anything remaining from previous occupants e.g. imprints of violence.

  • Etheric occurrences and structures

  • Reading of purpose or desire of the land - if requested

  • Suggestions inspired by fengshui to balance the home and restore elemental(fire, metal, water etc) harmony.